Establishment and
West Bengal Board of Primary Education is an autonomous body under the Government of West Bengal in the Department of School Education. It was established on 1st January in the year of 1975 by the West Bengal Primary Education Act, 1973 (West Bengal Act XLIII of 1973) to make a better provision for the development, expansion, management and control of primary education with a view to make it universal, free and compulsory.
Elementary Education Regulator
Government of West Bengal in
School Education Department (Elementary Branch)

Smt Mamata Banerjee
Hon'ble Chief Minister
of West Bengal

Shri Bratya Basu
Hon'ble Minister-in-Charge Departments of School Education and Higher
Government of West Bengal

Shri Binod Kumar,IAS
Principal Secretary
Department of School Education
Government of West Bengal
Ad hoc Committee
West Bengal Board of Primary Education

Professor Dr. Goutam Paul
President, Ad hoc Committee
Former Pro-Vice-Chancellor
Former Dean of Science
Kalyani University
Message of President
West Bengal Board of Primary Education is the apex academic regulator of primary (elementary) education in the State of West Bengal. The board has served a commendable role during the last one decade in improving environment, infrastructure, classroom ambience, curricular contents, evaluation method, student feedback process, health care and student's co-curricular activities in all Government aided and Government sponsored primary schools across the State. Read View
Ad hoc Committee
West Bengal Board of Primary Education

Professor (Dr.) Goutam Paul
President, Ad hoc Committee
Former Pro-Vice-Chancellor
Former Dean of Science
Kalyani University
Appeal Committee
West Bengal Board of Primary Education
Constituted under Section 91(2) read with Section 5(1) of West Bengal Primary Education Act, 1973

Dr. Durga Khaitan, WBJS
Chairperson, Appeal Committee, WBBPE
Internal Complaints Committee
West Bengal Board of Primary Education
Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) of the West Bengal Board of Primary Education with the following members under PoSH Act, 2013 to prevent, prohibit and redress sexual harassment of the women at workplace (at the office of West Bengal Board of Primary Education, 'APC Bhawan', DK-7/1, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091)
- Mrs. Momita Mitra (Ghosh), Bengali Stenographer, WBBPE - Presiding Officer
- Mr Koushik Biswas, WBLS, Law Officer, WBBPE - Member
- Mrs. Moulinila Sengupta, Lower Division Clerk, WBBPE - Member
- Dr. Nabanita Basu, Assistant Professor in Bengali, Govt. General Degree College, Singur - Member
West Bengal Board of Primary Education

Shri Ranjan Kumar Jha, WBCS (Exe)

Dr. Partha Karmakar, WBES
Deputy secretary

Mr. Aditya Mistry
Controller of Finance

Shri Koushik Biswas, WBLS
Law Officer
Recent Activities